Wednesday 5 January 2011

written script

shot1: feet running past camera
shot2: writing on a black screen
shot3: close up of main characters face looks worried
shot4: more writing
shot5: character runs towards camera and past, down a street
shot6: last piece of writing
shot7: character runs through a gate and goes to close the gate
shot8: match on action shot of character closing gate
shot9: main character runs away from camera to a building
shot10: main character enters the building and speaks to his friends in the building, one of the friends speaks to him.
shot11: main character speaks to friend and reassure him of the situation, camera cuts to the gate that he thought was closed and it opens
shot12: title sequence
13: main character wakes up as if he has had a nightmare alarm is going off in the back ground
shot 14: blank screen with writing that says hours to breakout

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