Monday 20 December 2010

detailed analysis of two or three openings

i have chose to review zombie land because it is different to other zombie films. In the early twenty-first century, zombies have taken over America. A shy and inexperienced college student in Texas has survived by following his 30 rules: such as "look in the back seat," "shoot twice," "avoid public restrooms." He decides to travel to Ohio to see if his parents are alive. He gets a ride with a boisterous zombie-hating good-old boy headed for Florida, and soon they confront a young woman whose sister has been bitten by a zombie and wants to be put out of her misery. The sisters were headed to an LA amusement park they've heard is zombie free. Can the kid from Ohio get to his family? And what about rule thirty one?
 this is the storyline for zombieland it shows the usual connotations for a zombie film people trying to escape the zombies with some sort of enigma in this film the rules. we looked at this because we have seen the movie before and we remembered the credits for this would suit our film. we looked at how they enter leave, the style.  The style is  bold and red (red to show blood and to go with the genre) they appear and interact with the characters.

1 comment:

  1. This is incomplete you need to show that you understand how media language (cinematography, mise-en-scene, editing and sound) is being used to communicate meaning and also how the opening fits the codes and conventions of an opening. You could also comment on any influences youhave drawn from it
