Wednesday 10 November 2010

Meeting Minutes

Start Filming - 13th - 17th January 2011

Filmed the sequence on the 13th then added the footage onto iMovie to edit, then we realised that we needed more footage in the sequence so we hired the camera for another day and we filmed the last part of footage that we needed.

Edit Footage - 17th - 24th January 2011

We edited the footage in iMovie, this took a while to do because we had some footage that did not fit in with the sequence so we had to alternate the footage and it turned out to be ok when we finally finished it.

Add Music - 24th - 31st January 2011

It took a while to try and find the right music that we wanted for the sequence, at first we wanted to use heavy, loud music but we then tried an alternative of a quieter and suspenseful music which turned out to be better than our first choice of music soundtrack.

Add Sound Effects - 31st January 2011 - 3rd February 2011

The sound effects were added in the last stages of the editing sequence, we added sound effects that have a loud and scary vibe to them that also give off an effect of horror. There are a few sound effects that are the same but it builds the suspense of the film by having a repeating effect.

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